Biography DUE NOW. Please get with me and we will go over your bio to refine and/or flesh it out.
Tuesday December 3. NO LATE SKETCHBOOKS. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Please see notes on sketchbooks if you have questions on what you need to include on your sketchbook
Tuesday December 3. NO LATE SKETCHBOOKS. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Please see notes on sketchbooks if you have questions on what you need to include on your sketchbook
Presentation_ Tuesday December 3 and Thursday December 5. Please see post on presentation outline for more information.
Texture Project Due Thursday December 5
Digital Documentation of your work (photos) –Due last day of class December 5
Texture Project Due Thursday December 5
Digital Documentation of your work (photos) –Due last day of class December 5
Tuesday November 26 is the last day to turn in any late work