Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Final Grades

Final Grades

For your Final, you will be turning in a folder on the server, which will include

  1. scans, or photographs of all your finished projects,
  2. your artist research papers (if you have questions about how many you need to do, NOW is the time to ask).   
  3. You will label your folder with “lastname_firstname_final” and place it in our classroom folder. There will be a folder to place it in that is marked "Final".  
  4. You will also place a copy of this folder in the dropbox on the folder.
  5. You will also be handing in your sketchbooks  so I can see the progress you have made on your in class assignments.  I will be giving you a grade for your sketchbook assignments that is equivalent to roughly 200 points

Sketchbooks will be graded for overall content (sketches, notes, assignment sheets, research, images, etc) and also for organization and construction.

To begin

1. You will need to Photograph or scan your images using one of the many scanners that are available to you in the mac-labs and in the library.  If you prefer to photograph your works, that is fine too.

2. You will edit and adjust the images to make sure they look professional using Photoshop of the photo editing software of your choosing. Your images should be 300 dpi and sized about 8x10.  You will need one image per weekly assignment.Each image should be named “Lastname_Assignment title.” 

3. Create a folder (on your desktop or somewhere handy).  Drop your four word.doc artist research papers in the folder, then your edited images in the folder as well.  If you didn't complete your four artist research at midterm, you will need to submit up to 8 artist research papers to get credit for the entire assignment. You should have images for the following.

THIS IS ALL DUE BY $ p.m.  Monday May 2.  If you think this is unreasonable, or have reasons why you cannot complete this task, please email me or contact me via phone, Facebook, etc etc so we can figure out what to do to accommodate. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


P_009 Graffiti Monster
Observation/Composition/Balance/Color Application

Goal: Choose one interesting composition from the graffiti on the work tables in Studios one, two or three (ONLY) and make that into a piece made up totally of cut paper.

Use a viewfinder and your camera to record the original. You will need a copy of this for your critique. (Take a picture of the graffiti you have chosen as subject matter with your viewfinder in place.  Using one of the “fiery” printers, print it and bring to crit.) Failure to present the original image in photographic print form WITH viewfinder in place will result in 1/3 deduction from your grade. No details may be added or subtracted. Graffiti from other places will NOT be accepted.

Procedure: Make yourself a viewfinder from a sheet of regular copy paper. It should be a 4 1/2 x 6". This is directly proportional to what will be your finished size of 18x24".

Color: You will also interpret this composition in color. All colors are open, but your choice in colors must support the imagery you chose to work on. How do your color choices help? The colors may be exaggerated or otherworldly if the composition calls for it. It is completely your decision.

Your own graffiti is not allowed. This would be considered as cheating.
No white paper may show through from picture plane. (white paper may be added)

May be presented either horizontal or vertical

Picture plane: 18x24" Bristol
Ground sheet 22x30" Bristol

Research one of the following street Artists:
Shepard Fairy


ALSO:  FOR YOUR FINAL... PLEASE START COLLATING MATERIALS THAT HAVE SOME SORT OF TEXTURE!  (ie. sandpaper, bubble wrap, velvet, scrap pieces of materials, fur, etc) 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

P_006 Midterm Assignment

Your homework for Wednesday is: 

1. sketchbook
2. images on the server
3. artist research on the server
4. make a viewfinder... INSTRUCTIONS BELOW... leave your collage here so I can grade it. 

Self-Promotion Poster Design (part 2.)
Collage: Value into Shape – Isolated Composition – Simplified Imagery

Objective: Create a composition based on one section of your previous collage using only cut paper. Represent value, shape and all design aspects represented therein.

- Using a 4.5 x 6” window (view-finder) cut out of the center of an 8.5 x 11” sheet of white paper, find the most interesting composition within your collage.
- Tape this window into place and create a new image based on the contents inside that window. Keep it in place for final crit.
- The new image will transform the contents inside the view-finder into a new, flat, larger version of it’s previous design using only cut paper shapes.
- You may use as many colors as you want but stay true to the color scheme inside the window. Think about your palette! You may edit colors down.
- Simplification of the image is fine. But don’t over simplify. Maintain the qualities/details that make the design interesting. 
- White paper and black paper should be used in addition to show tonal range.
- No groundsheet should show through.
- The new image should be blown up to 18x24” and stay the same in proportion as the chosen composition inside that window.
- Mount to 22x30” Bristol ground sheet.

Materials needed:
- Bristol ground sheet (one extra or similar sheet for the paste-up/picture plane)
- X-Acto Knife
- Ruler
- Color-line paper or equivalent
- Black paper and white paper

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Project 006 Promotional Self Portrait

Green 2d 10_colorintro from Thomas Everett Green

P_006 Midterm Assignment
Self-Promotion Poster Design (part 1.)
Collage: Image, Text, Shape and Value

First we will take a test (write down the following on a sheet of paper) 

Describe your favorite animal
Describe your favorite color
Describe how you would feel if you were locked into a room with no windows or doors. 

Objective: To create a collage (or mood board) representing your own personal character. Think about how you want to be perceived and things that interest you. Consider this an abstract/biographical self-portrait. Focus on shape, image, words/phrases with different values/depth all encompassing the same over-arching theme—you!  

- Two-ply Bristol ground sheet
- 12X19” Bristol (as picture plane)
- X-acto knife
- Resource material (magazines, color Xerox copies, fabric/textures/patterns, photographs, newspaper, etc.)
- Rubber Cement/Matte or Gloss Medium/Mod Podge.

- Think about words that describe you. Determine a theme/concept that you wish to communicate for your biographical collage and
- Cut shapes from resource materials like magazines, color or Xerox copies, comics, your own photographs, fabrics, patterns, text as text/slogans etc. of which represent the words that describe you. Use at least 10 words/phrases and 20 images in variety of scale, placement, value, shape, color, texture, pattern, etc… to visually communicate this theme/concept.
- Build a composition from and form a collage from these shapes.
- Include relevant, identifiable popular culture focused imagery while creating something uniquely identifiable as a personal interest of yours.
- The finished composition should be glued to a 12”x19” sheet of 2-ply Bristol. You may cut to size, no groundsheet is required.
- No part of the paper should show through. (cover entire sheet)

- Focus on shapes forming other shapes.
- Think about literal vs. symbolic representation. 

- If using printed images from sites such as Google Images, make sure the printing is of good quality. (high resolution)

Research one of the following artists and discuss how they use Unity and Variety in their collages. 

Robert Rauschenberg

Juan Gris

Kurt Schwitters

John Evans

Kasimir Malevich

 For additional inspiration research: Pop art, Neo Dada art

Monday, February 22, 2016

 Midterm Grading- 2D_Design Foundations

For your midterm, you will be turning in a folder on the server, which will include

1. photographs of all your finished projects,
2. your artist research papers

You will also be handing in your sketchbooks as well.   See previous post about sketchbooks.  I will be giving you a grade for your sketchbook assignments that is equivalent to roughly 200 points (about 20 percent of your grade). 

Sketchbooks will be graded for overall content (sketches, notes, assignment sheets, research, images, etc) and also for organization and construction.

You will label your folder with “lastname_firstname_midterm” and place it in our classroom folder.  You will also place a copy of this folder in the dropbox.

To begin
1. You will need to photograph your work.  
2. You will edit and adjust the images to make sure they look professional using Photoshop of the photo editing software of your choosing. Your images should be 300 dpi and sized about 8x10.  You will need one image per weekly assignment.

3. Create a folder (on your desktop or somewhere handy).  Drop your four word.doc artist research papers in the folder, then your edited images in the folder as well.  Each image should be named “Lastname_Assignment title.” You should have images for the following, and labeled as follows (but with YOUR last name) 


These will be due on Wednesday before Spring Break. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Project_004 Value, Volume, Contrast

Green 2 d_08value and contrast from Thomas Everett Green

The Things Around Me

Shape: volume/value/line

Objective: To translate a value study into a volume study. Then transforming that study into a composition focusing on volume using only black lines.

VALUE: Degrees of tone from light to dark.

VOLUME: To represent an object as 3-demensional on a 2-dimensional surface.  Representing a form’s height, width, and depth.  See also Mass, Space, and Modeling.

Phase 1.
- Arches or Stonehenge (good, white drawing) paper.
- Graphite Drawing Pencils (NOT CHARCOAL)

- Create a graphite drawing based on an interesting “thing” you find and observe showing a range of value from white, gray and black. (bring this “thing” with you to class next week)
- You may use as wide a range of values as you desire.
- This composition will be the basis for the next one.

Phase 2.
- X-acto knife
- Black paper
- Several shades of gray paper (at least [3] three)
- White bristol paper

- Using only cut paper in shades of black to white (including at least three shades of grey) create another value and volume study based as closely on the first drawing as possible. (line + shape)

Phase 3.
- Black paper
- 22x30” 2-ply groundsheet

- Create a third, new image made up ONLY of black lines.
- This new image should be recognizable as the same composition as your shape study and should represent volume with only line.
- Use a wide range of values (line weight).

Presentation Specifications
Mount all three compositions on a 22x30” groundsheet.
All three compositions should be 8x8” on drawing or Bristol paper and mounted in order from left to right on your 30’’X22” (landscape) Bristol 2-ply paper, center align series, 1’’ gutter.  As always, Craftsmanship is of the utmost importance. 

Hint:  Look at wood-cuts.
Operative word: Simplify

Artist references
- Gene Davis
- Piet Mondrian
- Frank Stella