Monday, February 22, 2016

 Midterm Grading- 2D_Design Foundations

For your midterm, you will be turning in a folder on the server, which will include

1. photographs of all your finished projects,
2. your artist research papers

You will also be handing in your sketchbooks as well.   See previous post about sketchbooks.  I will be giving you a grade for your sketchbook assignments that is equivalent to roughly 200 points (about 20 percent of your grade). 

Sketchbooks will be graded for overall content (sketches, notes, assignment sheets, research, images, etc) and also for organization and construction.

You will label your folder with “lastname_firstname_midterm” and place it in our classroom folder.  You will also place a copy of this folder in the dropbox.

To begin
1. You will need to photograph your work.  
2. You will edit and adjust the images to make sure they look professional using Photoshop of the photo editing software of your choosing. Your images should be 300 dpi and sized about 8x10.  You will need one image per weekly assignment.

3. Create a folder (on your desktop or somewhere handy).  Drop your four word.doc artist research papers in the folder, then your edited images in the folder as well.  Each image should be named “Lastname_Assignment title.” You should have images for the following, and labeled as follows (but with YOUR last name) 


These will be due on Wednesday before Spring Break. 

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