Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Notes on Craftsmanship


What is craftsmanship?

Definition: to make or devise, especially with great care

Examples of poor craftsmanship:
-torn edges
-dried glue
-pencil lines
-coffee rings
-cigarette holes
-tattered/curled edges (unless intended)
-water marks

Ways to avoid poor craftsmanship:
-always work on a clean, flat surface
-watch what you are doing
-keep food, drink, etc away from work
-don’t roll, fold, or crease paper
-keep work off the floor
-transport work in a portfolio
-erase all pencil lines, smudges, and fingerprints
-use just enough glue so that edges don’t curl up
-use a straightedge when cutting with an x-acto knife so that edges are straight
-keep edges clean (unless intended otherwise)
-use papercutter if necessary for long straight edges
-keep your borders clean when mounting your work
-if an accident does occur, fix it or start over if necessary (I will not accept excuses!)
-make your work important to you and it will show

Poor craftsmanship can be easily prevented.
Try to give yourself plenty of time to complete projects.  

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