Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Notes on Grading

Here is a look at the Rubric that will be used for grading the projects we will do in this class.    The 4 categories break down into 

1. Problem Solution: Does it follow the project guidelines?  (i.e. did you follow directions?) 
2. Creativity. Did you push the designs? 
3. Craftsmanship: Care taken in execution of project
4. Effort and Perseverance: Did you challenge yourself? 

Design 1: Project Rubric
Name __________________________


Evaluation Criteria
Below Expectations
Problem Solution:
Does it adhere to the outlined problem objectives?
Max. Value = 25
Exceeds the project expectations in both composition and ability to illustrate the ideas discussed in lecture and outlined in project guidelines
Mostly covers the guidelines set forth in an effective work.  Meets project expectations.
Project needs more refinement toward overall goals of the project.  More focus towards research, review, and working out of ideas.
Does not meet requirements: media, and/or layout, and/or balance of the space, and/or balance of black and white shapes/line;
Does it express originality, Innovation or growth?
Max. Value = 25
Expresses extremely interesting or innovative use of space, good variety; good variety in compositional ideas
Project is interesting and meets project expectations.   Doesn’t necessarily introduce any innovative or new ideas.  Could use more brainstorming or research.
Slightly lacks in variety, in placement, and/or shape or line, and/or scale.  Could use more forethought with regard to composition and perhaps more sketching of ideas.
Needs more variety overall; variety of shape/line, variety of scale, variety of placement; expresses very little innovation or originality
Is the work clean? Line quality? Layout?

Max. Value = 25

Very clean; lines are clean and straight; no smudges; no glue residue; good adhesion;
Mostly clean; a few areas need a little work; a few areas could be glued better; or a few smudges; or lines could be cut cleaner; lines could be straighter
Could be cleaner overall; edges are ok, still need work; lines could be cleaner, straighter; smudgy; glue residue;
Work seems very rushed or hurried. Sloppy workmanship; smudges; lines should be straighter, cut cleaner; overall needs more attention to detail.
Effort and perseverance

Max. Value = 25

Shows great accomplishment in effort and difficulty;
Designs could be pushed a little more, overall a good effort.
Design and effort is lacking.   Design seems to “safe” and does not show any challenge or ambitious drive from the student.  
Minimal effort placed into the design and or complexity to the design.   Too safe.

Problem:                                Creativity:                                 Craftsmanship:                               Effort:

Total Score: ____________________________        


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